War Diary - March 1918
31st Bn was relieved by 11th W Yorks, moving to huts at LANGABISA, and becoming Reserve Bn.
SICKNESS;- During March the average daily attendance at Sick Parade was 25, the prevailing disease being I.C.T.
Can anyone decipher I.C.T? I know it's nothing to do with computers! BL
Anonymous said...Perhaps I.C.T. a reference to influenza, which was pandemic during 1918. Not sure about the c.t. though! Common type????
I don't think so. The war diary records the influenza epidemic, quite clearly, in May. I think that this is something different. BL
28th -30th Bn relieved the 28th? Italian Regiment in the line, becoming Right Battalion. 'A', 'C' & 'B' Companies were in the front line and 'D' Company in Reserve. The whole of the town was very quiet - little work was done apart from cleaning up and improving sanitary conditions which were very bad. Two patrols were sent out nightly, sometimes three; on two occasions they came in contact with the enemy; much useful information was obtained both by patrols and observation. Major D Lewis D.S.O. M.C. left the Bn on 29th inst to proceed to England to attend a Senior Officers Course at Aldershot.
27th Bn. moved by motor lorries to Italian hutments at GRANEZZA.
Click to view the route
25th to 26th Bn. moved by motor lorries to Italian hutments at GRANEZZA.Battalion moved by march route to SARCEDO - the following day was devoted to interior economy.
Click to view the route
17th - 24th Bn in Billets in BOLZANO - the whole Bn was bathed on 17th inst. A Junior N.C.Os class was formed at Bn Hdqrs. instruction being given in Musketry, Lewis Gun, Map Reading and Drill. The class was successful chiefly in increasing the specialised knowledge of the young N.C.Os. The Bn concentrated on Company Drill, Physical Training, Bayonet Fighting and Musketry; each day's programme terminated with 15 minutes ceremonial drill. Specialists were trained by their own officers - the Scouts were instructed in Semaphore Signalling daily. Subaltern officers were similarly instructed by the Signalling officer. A successful Sports meeting was held on the 23rd inst. On 24th inst. the Bn attended a Brigade Church Parade. (Sunday - BL)
15th to 16th battalion moved by march route to Castlefranco on 15th inst & proceeded to BOLZANO the following day. The second day's march was long & tedious but no man fell out on either day. Click for Jono's topographical view of the route.
13th to 14th Bn. relieved on 13th inst by 3rd Bn 45th Italian Regiment, moving into Billets at MONTEBELLUNA. The following day Companies held Interior Economy inspections.
6th-12th Bn. relieved the 9th Yorkshire Regt in the line on the MONTELLO (Right Sector, Divl. Front), becoming Support Bn in the Brigade. Musketry, live bombing, grenade throwing, firing the Lewis Gun and training in Bayonet Fighting Course were carried out whilst in those billets.
Specialists were trained under their own officers. A Cross Country run was held on the 10th inst and various football matches were played between companies and platoons. On 10th inst Working Parties were supplied to the Right Front Line Battalion, to improve the Second Line.1st- 5th Battalion in billets at PEDERIVA (MERCATO-VECCHIO) This period was devoted chiefly to Hill Training on the MONTELLO and Musketry on the Divl. Rifle Range. Brig. Gen. H. Gordon C.M.G., D.S.O. lectured to all officers of the Brigade on the 4th inst;- subject of lecture "Organisation of a Zone"
Capt G.F. Cobbold M.C. joined the Bn on the 1st inst.
1 comment:
Anonymous said...
it is possible that the shift of days could be because of the leap year this year.
17 March 2008 at 06:08
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One is: "inflammation connecting tissue" which would seem common enough for folks marching all day.
The second is: "I.C.T. was a general term for suppurating skin diseases (Pyodermia), caused mainly due to parasitic disease, but did not include scabies"
Hope that helps, Matt 03 April.
Thanks Matt. There is a mention of "Impetigo and boils" being a problem in the April War Diary entry. The second sounds likely. BL